Frequently Asked Questions

What salary information is available in the report?

The report provides benchmarks (both real dollar values and percentage of total compensation) for base salary, bonus and equity holdings. It also includes dollar values for benefits and perquisites. The percent of companies that provide specific perks and benefits are also provided. The report includes full year 2013 actual benchmarks for all of the data presented, as well as expected 2014 benchmarks for base salaries and bonuses.

That data is provided broken down by multiple categories. You can see the categories and how rich the data sets are by visiting the methodology page.

What titles are covered in the report?

The report covers ten senior executive positions:

  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
  • President
  • Senior Finance Executive (CFO, VP Finance)
  • Senior Operations Executive (COO, GM, VP Operations)
  • Senior Marketing Executive (CMO, VP Marketing)
  • Senior Information Technology Executive (CTO, CIO)
  • Senior Sales Executive (CSO, VP Sales)
  • President
  • Senior Research/Engineering Executive

What is included with my purchase?

You will get instant access to a pdf of the report and access to our website with additional best practices content from leading compensation consulting firms.

Am I charged for taxes?

Taxes and other costs are included in the purchase price of $795. There are no additional fees associated with the purchase of the report.

Do I need a "Source Code" to place an order?

No, Source Codes are only relevant if you have one. We include these codes on our promotional materials.

Can I be invoiced for the order?

Yes, if you would like to be invoiced, please contact us.

Can I get a refund if I am dissatisfied?

We offer a 30-day money back guarantee with your purchase. If you are dissatisfied with the report for any reason, simply send it back and we will refund your order for the full purchase price, less shipping costs.

Do you have other compensation data or services?

Yes, we provide a full range of additional services, including:

  • CEO & Senior Executive Report for Private Companies
    (includes more detailed information on all private companies, by size, up to $10 billion)
  • Custom salary surveys
  • More detailed data report
  • Advisory services
  • Compensation plan development and maintenance
  • Executive benefits and funding
Please contact us for more information.

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Product Information

Price: $795

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Money-Back Guarantee

We offer a no questions asked satisfaction guarantee included with the purchase of the report. If you are dissatisfied with the report for any reason, simply send it back within 30 days of receiving it, and we will refund your order for the full purchase price.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the report, or would like to order over the phone or via mail, please don't hesitate to contact us:

E-Mail [email protected]

(203) 930-2702

Mailing Address

One Sound Shore Drive, Suite 100
Greenwich, CT 06830


  • "I found the report most useful because of the detailed information by job category. The information on the report makes us aware of what the market is doing to reward Chief and Senior Executives. Our immediate use was to benchmark against our Senior Executive Sales & Marketing position."

    Ligaya Bowman, VP of Human Resources, Datron World Communications, Inc.
  • "I was very pleased with the comprehensiveness of the report. It was outstanding in the depth and granularity of the data slices. Your report is the best I have read."

    Douglas Nichols, Chief Operating Officer, Aerion Corporation
  • "We were looking for data for privately (family) held companies, and this was the best resource I found for the information."

    Anna Nogueiro, Director of Human Resources, Nelson
  • "With your survey it was easy for the Executive Team to stay focused to talk about the real issues because all of the key data points were readily available for discussion. The survey made my job easier."

    Alvin L. Proctor, SPHR, Vice President of Human Resources, Kaneka North America LLC