I was fortunate enough to sit down with Will Dean, founder and CEO of Tough Mudder. For anyone who’s been living under a rock these past four years, Tough Mudder is the enormously popular endurance event series which launched in obscurity in 2010 and has since gone on to attract over 1.3 million participants and is today valued at $70 million.
I asked Will about coming to work in the U.S., his meteoric success, and his top five tips on starting a successful company.
Dan Simon: As a fellow Brit, I’m interested in hearing how you came to start working in America?
Will Dean: I came here to get my MBA and there are a lot of good things about Harvard but it is such a bubble. You may be living in the states studying American businesses but you aren’t interacting very much. I think there was a personal interest in sticking around longer and really seeing America properly.
Read more: Forbes