Apple has a remarkable knack for using its brand to popularise and hence monetize existing technology, as it did so successfully first with the mp3 player, smart phone and later the tablet. Critics have been silenced by the success of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. Consumers have snapped latest models in their droves, helping Apple set records for quarterly profits ($18bn) and company value ($710bn).
“The Apple brand is worth US$128 billion,” says David Haigh, Brand Finance CEO. That value is huge not just in its own terms but also as a proportion of Apple’s record-breaking corporate valuation. It goes to show how valuable brands are as business assets and how important it is to manage them well.”
The World’s Most Valuable Brands
Brand | Industry Group | Domicile | Brand Value 2015 (USDm) | Brand Value Change (%) | Brand Value 2014 (USDm) | Brand Rating 2015 | Brand Rating 2014 |
Apple | Tech | US | 128,303 | 23% | 104,680 | AAA | AAA |
Samsung | Conglomerate | South Korea | 81,716 | 4% | 78,752 | AAA- | AAA |
Tech | US | 76,683 | 12% | 68,620 | AAA | AAA+ | |
Microsoft | Tech | US | 67,060 | 7% | 62,783 | AAA | AAA |
Verizon | Telecoms | US | 59,843 | 12% | 53,466 | AAA- | AAA- |
AT&T | Telecoms | US | 58,820 | 30% | 45,410 | AA+ | AA | | Tech | US | 56,124 | 24% | 45,147 | AAA- | AAA- |
General Electric | Tech | US | 48,019 | -9% | 52,533 | AA+ | AA+ |
China Mobile | Telecoms | China | 47,916 | 50% | 31,845 | AAA- | AA+ |
Walmart | Retail | US | 46,737 | 4% | 44,779 | AA+ | AA+ |
Click here for the full table.
Twitter is the fastest growing brand; it has almost tripled its brand value in a year, increasing from $1.5 billion in early 2014 to $4.4 billion now. Fellow tech giants Baidu and Facebook have also grown strongly, by 161% and 146% respectively. The three appear to be more effectively managing the transition to mobile advertising than other tech players such as Google, boosting expectations of the financial potential of their brands.
Chipotle stands out among the many successes from the tech and telecoms sectors this year. Its brand value is up 124%. It is eating into McDonalds’ market share by positioning itself as a healthier, tastier and more ethical alternative. McDonalds’ iconic brand has lost $4bn in value this year.
Brand | Industry Group | Domicile | Brand Value Change (%) | Brand Value 2015 (USDm) | Brand Value 2014 (USDm) | Brand Rating 2015 | Brand Rating 2018 |
Tech | US | 185% | 4,366 | 1,533 | AAA- | AAA- | |
Baidu | Tech | China | 161% | 13,284 | 5,092 | AA+ | AA- |
Tech | US | 146% | 24,180 | 9,819 | AAA- | AA+ | |
Chipotle Mexican | Fast Food | US | 124% | 3,147 | 1,403 | AA+ | AA |
Humana | Healthcare | US | 99% | 4,810 | 2,413 | AA- | AA | | Tech | US | 97% | 3,956 | 2,006 | AA+ | AA |
Alibaba | Tech | China | 90% | 11,377 | 6,000 | AA+ | AA+ |
Lego | Toys | Denmark | 69% | 3,890 | 2,308 | AAA+ | AAA- |
China Merchants Bank | Banks | China | 65% | 8,880 | 5,390 | AAA- | AA |
HCL | Tech | India | 63% | 3,148 | 1,925 | AA | AA |
Brand values for hundreds of the world’s top brands from all industries can be found on Brand Finance’s website. The full Global 500 table can be found here and infographics, further insight and analysis in the Brand Finance Global 500 report.