Transitions are challenging for every CEO, but they are especially difficult for those new to the role. No matter how impressive a person’s résumé or list of past accomplishments, if the CEO candidate has not occupied the corner office before, he or she may be in for a shock.
According to research by RHR International, over 86% of new chief executives have no prior experience in the role. Any new CEO could become overwhelmed trying to cope with what would undoubtedly be a variety of pressing issues.
“keeping basic practical steps in mind during the transition process might help.”—Paul Winum, RHR INTERNATIONAL
Keeping some basic practical steps in mind during the transition process might help, such as getting out there and just listening to your people; meeting the directors to get to know the board; and creating a support network.
It’s also critically important to take care of yourself, so make time for family, friends, and other outside activities.
CEO transitions are replete with possibilities for positive change as well as risks. How the CEO transition is handled often determines whether the new CEO will succeed or fail.
Click here to read Paul’s full blog post on how to make a CEO transition successful.