Chief Executive’s CEO2CEO Magazine’s 2005 CEO2CEO Leadership Summit- American Competitiveness:
What chief executives must do to retain their competitive edge.
In view of intensifying global competition, American companies must use technology wisely and innovate aggressively while driving down the costs of operating. It means winning governmental help in addressing educational, health care and legal and regulatory issues.
More than 50 CEOs will gather to participate in a series of roundtables on the issues that are keeping CEOs up at night. Each roundtable will be moderated by a senior member of Chief Executive’s editorial staff, and sponsors will be given thought leadership positions at appropriate roundtables.
Roundtable Discussion Topics
Leveraging the Information Technology Infrastructure:
CEOs who build the right teams and instill the right discipline and process can use IT as a competitive weapon rather than regarding it as a costly nuisance
A New Model for Health Care:
CEOs need to do more than tinker with their margins to get their health care costs under better control. What are the methods that really work? Can private health care systems heal itself?
Managing Globally:
Many U.S. CEOs have the advantage of managing multinationals with well developed structures and people practices in place. Given the best ideas today for managing multinationals, can U.S.-based companies stay ahead of emerging challengers from countries such as China?
Supply Chain Magic:
Once an obscure subject, how best to manage supply chains and logistics has moved to center stage. Increasingly, many businesses are built around their supply chains. They have, in fact become competitive weapons. What is the latest thinking on best practices?
The CEO’s Job Under Fire:
As evidenced by unprecedented turnover, the CEO has never been more embattled. What are the ways that the smartest CEOs are fighting back? How do they communicate with critically important stakeholders groups?
How can CEOs use technology to change the game? CEOs are discovering that innovation doesn’t happen by accident. What are the best practices for finding new ideas and moving them rapidly to market?
What are CEOs doing to reform the K-12 system? CEOs recognize that American schools are not producing the right kinds of skill sets for the jobs of the future. Here’s what they are doing to change a broken system.
Access To Capital:
In the Sarbanes-Oxley environment, how are the best CEOs managing their financial processes to maintain access to public financial markets? Do they offer guidance to Wall Street? What is the latest insight on the fine line between “managing” and “manipulating” earnings?
CEOs and the Environment:
Leading edge CEOs realize that it’s smart business to improve the energy efficiency of their equipment, to reduce dangerous waste and emissions and to improve the management of their facilities. What are the emerging best practices?
For a complete agenda click: Summit Agenda