Chief Executive magazine surveyed its CEO audience and found that business leaders clearly see the potential benefits digital transformation offers their company. Fifty-two percent of respondents said that digital technologies would have a big impact on their operations. Nearly half (43.7%) said it would have a big impact on how their company markets and sells, and more than one-third (36.5%) felt that digital technologies would affect everything from the shape of their industry and supply chain to the kind of staff they employ.
Four out of 10 CEOs work closely with their senior team on these issues, while 16.3% are actually leading the charge. One-third (34.4%) delegate to lower-level executives, but closely monitor progress.
The top five industries that will see the most significant change as a result of digital capabilities are Industrial Manufacturing, Professional Services, Financial Services, Wholesale/Distribution and Consumer Manufacturing. Operations will be impacted the most by digital transformation, followed by how companies market and sell.
To learn more about how you can leverage digital technologies and make a positive impact on your company’s top and bottom line, attend Chief Executive’s CEO2CEO Digital Transformation Summit.