No. 5
Indiana is the 5th Best State for Business 2012
Based on CEO Survey by ChiefExecutive.net
Development Trend Indicator—Positive |
Becoming right-to-work state already making it a bigger magnet for business. |
CEO Comments |
“Taxes need to be low, regulations need to be minimal, and absence of unionization. Indiana just became a right-to-work state, and that clinches their status.”
“I applaud what Wisconsin and Indiana are trying to do. As a “Badger”, I’m hopeful Gov. Walker is allowed to complete his term and I hope that the Right to Work legislation takes effect in Indiana.” “Indiana is centrally located, has a balanced budget and excess reserves on hand, is a low overall tax environment, is business friendly and is now a right to work state. If you want to locate in the Midwest, there is no other state in its class.” “Indiana is like a breath of fresh air. I have operated on both coasts, the southeast, and Chicago, and Indiana is where I will keep my manufacturing operations.” “Indiana’s workermens compensation laws and insurance costs are very good. Illinois’s workermens compensation laws and insurance costs are anti-business and very expensive.” “Ohio, Indiana & Texas are very pro business in many areas.” |
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