
CEOs Tell President Trump What Business Needs

The elevation of a business leader to the presidency of the United States has captured the attention of CEOs across America. Whether they voted for him or not, they developed great expectations about Donald Trump’s presidency because of his pro-business campaign promises. And now Chief Executive has asked some of those same CEOs to weigh in on how President Trump is addressing them.

The new president’s extensive early dealings with big-company chiefs over manufacturing jobs, his immigration ban and other issues have captured headlines and sound bites. What’s been missing from the discussion so far are the views and concerns from CEOs of the mid-market companies that form the backbone of the American enterprise.

To give voice to how those leaders regard President Trump’s handling of business issues so far—and how he should proceed—Chief Executive checked in with a dozen of them in mid-February to see how they would advise the president as he moves forward with his plans. On the following pages, we summarize what they had to say on eight of the most important issues for business and the U.S. economy.

Read our 8-part series below.

ENERGY: CEOs Favor Several Market-Driven Approaches and Infrastructure Upgrades

HEALTHCARE: Mid-Market CEOs Look for Fast Relief from Cost and Confusion

INFRASTRUCTURE: This Bipartisan Issue Could Score Early Gains

MANAGEMENT STYLE: Campaigning is One Thing; Leading is Another, CEOs Say

MANUFACTURING & JOBS: Add IT, Kill the Overtime Rule

TAXES & REGULATION: CEOs are Eager for Slashes and Rollbacks

TECHNOLOGY & IMMIGRATION: CEOs Band Together to Ensure Access to Their Traditionally Diverse Workforce

TRADE: CEOs See a Negotiating Position, but Worry about Overall Impacts

Dale Buss

Dale Buss is a long-time contributor to Chief Executive, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal and other business publications. He lives in Michigan.

Published by
Dale Buss

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