3 Megatrends Shaping the Logistics Industry

They are:

1. Prioritization of Security. Shippers and transportation providers increasingly emphasize the elimination of security risks, which could bring entire operations to a standstill. Increasing emphasis on security puts greater value on transparency versus speed or cost savings. This trend has had the effect of decelerating the adoption of cloud logistics, despite technology’s potential for substantial cost savings and efficiency advantages.

2. Sustainability. The 2015 United Nations “Paris Agreement,” which restricts greenhouse gas emissions to halt climate change, enjoys wide industry support. Logistics providers will make increasing use of energy harvesting technologies to reduce reliance on fossil fuels in favor of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. Expect growing acceptance of e-mobility solutions such as e-vehicles and bicycles, and increased integration of green processes such as end-to-end lifecycles and recycling strategies.

3. Digitization of Logistics. The digitization of everything is transforming most industries, including how they receive components, bring in raw materials and move finished goods. Increased use of 3D printing will replace large mass-production facilities with smaller assembly plants equipped with 3D printing located closer to customers. The acceptance of 3D printing will accelerate the hyper-customization trend, resulting  in new logistics and service concepts.

You can download the report here.

Warren Strugatch

Warren Strugatch is a writer, speaker and consultant based in Stony Brook, NY. He covers economic development, global business, management and marketing.

Published by
Warren Strugatch

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