Trying to decide which state to expand your manufacturing business in? The 2014 Manufacturing and Logistics Report can help.
The report shows how each state ranks among its peers in areas of the economy that underlie manufacturing and logistics. All 50 states were graded based on their level of manufacturing industry health, including the share of total income earned by manufacturing employees in each state, the wage premium paid to manufacturing workers relative to the other states’ employees, and the share of manufacturing employment per capita. The report also analyzes each state’s global reach, expected fiscal liability gap, tax climate and productivity and innovation.
Each state was graded separately on nine characteristics using A through F. Just four states received an A grade for having a quality manufacturing environment: Indiana, Oregon and South Carolina. The report gave out five Fs: Alaska, Hawaii, Montana Nevada, New York, and 10 Ds, D+s or D-s.
The 2014 Manufacturing and Logistics Report was produced for Conexus Indiana by Ball State University’s Center for Business and Economic Research at the University of Michigan. Access the full report here.